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Saline Tattoo Removal

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+1 (619) 914-6227

About Saline Tattoo Removal

Saline tattoo removal is a safe, natural, and chemical-free (no acid) method of removing tattoos using a saline solution and traditional tattooing equipment. This procedure is effective on all types of tattoos, regardless of age, color, or location.

Girl in vibrant colors and intricate shapes, igniting creativity and imagination.

What to Expect

After the initial treatment, it is normal for the skin to appear red, swollen, or bruised. Do not worry. Slight drainage occurs for a short time after the process is complete, and the tattoo pigment will be more distinct.

Most tattoos will appear lighter after one treatment but generally recommend a few treatments for significant results. Some tattoos may remove within one or two treatments. A minimum of 8 weeks or longer is required between removal treatments. The length depends on how you heal and the depth of your previous ink. We repeat the treatment until the tattoo fades to your desire or completely. 

A scab on the treated area will form. During the scabbing process, the ink is pulled to the surface by the scab. After the scab has fallen off, the skin beneath will appear pink for up to six months or longer.. You will notice continued lightening for several months following the removal.

Requirements Before Your Tattoo Removal


No alcohol, caffeine, or blood thinners such as ibuprofen or aspirin 24 hours prior.


No exercise on the day of your appointment.


Protect your skin from UV rays or tanning beds for 2 weeks before your appointment. Please do not show up sunburned.


Avoid facials, chemical peels or microdermabrasion for the 4 weeks before your appointment.


No anti-acne or anti-aging products on the skin for 2 weeks prior to your procedure.


No accutane within one year of procedure.

A portrait of a girl showcasing requirements before Requirements before your tattoo removal



It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring and achieve optimum results. Please read carefully.

First 48 Hours

Any redness surrounding the treated area subsides within an hour or two. Redness within the treated area becomes brown as the skin dries out. The treated area must be allowed to dry out over the next 48 hours fully. For most people, the area is touch dry within the first few hours.


Only touch with very clean hands, ideally no touching for 48 hours


If the skin is not allowed to dry out quickly you will not get the best results


Saline wound care wipes can be used to gently remove excess oil i.e. for scalp tattoo Do not use any other aftercare products during this initial drying out phase


Do not get the area wet or sweaty for 48 hours


For lip liner treatments, during this phase keep movements small and to a minimum

After 48 Hours

The treated area is now very dry, and a light scab will have formed. You may see pigment visible in the scab. Use ONE SINGLE APPLICATION of Cavilon barrier cream on and slightly around the scab. This single application will last for 3 to 4 days, leaving a soft film over the scab. You can get the area a little wet when washing and showering, avoid rubbing the area.


Excessive movements are likely to crack the scab, which is not ideal for easy healing. Do not attempt to remove the scab before it naturally heals from the treated area


After any wetness, gently hold a clean tissue on the scab to dry it out



No excessive wetting the area, no swimming etc while the scab is on


Depending on the area treated, the scab will remain firmly attached for 5 to 14 days


Excessive movements are likely to crack the scab, which is not ideal for easy healing. Do not attempt to remove the scab before it naturally heals away from the treated area




For eyebrows, the scab is held in eyebrow hair until gently removed. AT NO TIME CAN YOU PICK OFF ATTACHED SCABS, YOU WILL CAUSE UNWANTED RESULTS. 




An Image showcasing the results of inkless saline tattoo removal

Saline Tattoo Removal

  • Per Session -         $150
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